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Apply For a Business Visit Visa (212)

Documents to be attach by the Customer:

  1. Passport (scan)
  2. Company Certificate of Incorporation (scan)
  3. Taxpayer Identification Number (scan)
  4. Company registration certificate (scan)
  5. Business Licence Letter (scan)
  6. ID (scan)
  7. Notary Act Register to Minister of Justice (scan)
  8. No. 7 Employment Law Mandatory Report (scan)
  9. Company domicile
  10. Company letterhead
1Telex VKUBP/Telex Multiple Business Visa (China)7-10 Hari KerjaIDR 3.000.000
2Telex VKUBP/Telex Multiple Business Visa (Non China)7-10 Hari KerjaIDR 1.500.000

New Visit And Extension Visa Of Company Guarantee (211)

Documents to be attach by the Customer:

  1. Original Passport (scan)
  2. Certificate of Incorporation (Fair) / Articles of Association (scan)
  3. Taxpayer Identification Number (scan)
  4. Permanent business license / location license / business identification number
  5. KTP (Scan)
  6. Certificate of the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Scan)
  7. Law No.7 Mandatory Employment Report (Scan)
  8. Company Letterhead
1Proses Pengajuan Visa Baru 211 (Valid for 30 Days)+- 10 Hari KerjaIDR 3.500.000
2Proses ITK Perpanjangan I+- 10 Hari KerjaIDR 1.200.000
3Proses ITK Perpanjangan II+- 10 Hari KerjaIDR 1.200.000
4Proses ITK Perpanjangan III+- 10 Hari KerjaIDR 1.200.000
5Proses ITK Perpanjangan III+- 10 Hari KerjaIDR 1.200.000
The price above does not include 50 USD for visa payment.

Visa On Arrival (VOA)

Documents to be attach by the Customer:

  1. Original Passport
  2. Proof of paying 35 USD at the airport
  3. Round-trip Ticket
1Mutasi Passport (Jakarta Utara)3 Hari KerjaIDR 250.000
2Mutasi Passport (Jakarta Selatan,Barat,Tangerang)3 Hari KerjaIDR 400.000
3Exit Tak Kembali (Jakarta Utara)4 Hari KerjaIDR 600.000
4Exit Tak Kembali (Jakarta Selatan,Barat,Tangerang)4 Hari KerjaIDR 800.000
5Akte Lahir Anak (SUDIN)5 Hari KerjaIDR 1.200.000
6Lapor Lahir Anak Ke Imigrasi5 Hari KerjaIDR 600.000
7SIM International 5 Tahun1 Hari KerjaIDR 1.400.000
8Translate dari Mandarin ke Indonesia2 Hari KerjaIDR 500.000
9UU No.7 Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan5 Hari KerjaIDR 600.000
10Mutasi Alamat Keluar Masuk Kanin DKI Jakarta5 Hari KerjaIDR 800.000
11Mutasi Alamat Keluar Masuk Kanin (Imigrasi Tangerang dan Bandara)5 Hari KerjaIDR 900.000
12Visa Over Stay(bayar cash per hari)IDR 1.000.000
13Foto Ulang Imigrasi7 Hari KerjaIDR 500.000
The price above does not include KITAS

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